Sunday, December 16, 2012

Acne Map Remedies

A Chinese face map:

some people tend to breakout in some certain area of their face only

Facial RegionSolution
  • Go to bed early (10pm) and wake up early (6am). Even if you can't fall asleep, it's good to relax so your liver can rest and be ready for work the next day
  • Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins
  • Drink less soda and carbonated beverages
  • 20-30 minutes of light exercise every day, especially outdoors
  • Practice relaxation techniques to worry less
  • Get enough sleep with a regular sleep schedule
  • Eat healthy foods, chewing thoroughly to improve your digestion
  • Reduce refined sugar in your diet
  • Keep a daily food diary to see if your acne is related to certain food groups (like dairy)
  • Practice better hygiene (i.e. washing bangs and hair, cleaning hats)
  • Check if shampoos, conditioners, and hair products are irritating skin
  • Eat less processed food, junk food, and fast food
  • Reduce the amount of unhealthy fat in your diet (healthy fats from avocado and fish are okay)
  • Eat cooling foods like bitter melon, cucumbers, and gourds
  • Practice better hygiene, especially during the summer and if you wear makeup and/or sweat a lot
Between the Brows
  • Exercise, but avoid overly strenuous exercise
  • Get more sleep
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid smoking
  • Eat lighter foods and foods that are less "rich" (like butter and cheese)
  • Avoid late night snacks
  • Eat less pungent foods (spices, garlic, etc)
  • Eat less meat
  • Eat less salt
  • Eat warm temperature foods (not too cold or hot)
  • Get more fresh air
  • Exercise everyday (like going for a walk)
  • Massage the area around your nose for better circulation
  • Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B
Left Cheek
  • Maintain a normal daily routine
  • Try to keep a positive mood
  • Eat more cooling foods such as gourds, winter melons, and green beans
  • Don't overeat, especially junk food
  • Try to decompress and relax
  • The liver is the strongest from 1-3 AM. This is when you should be sleeping
  • The liver is weakest at 1-5 PM, so schedule difficult work for the morning
  • If you have to work in the afternoon, rest your eyes for 5 minutes every hour
  • Practice proper hygiene, especially if you live in a polluted city
  • Check laundry detergent for any irritating ingredients
  • Change pillow cases frequently if you sleep on this side of your face
  • Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol
  • Lower left cheek acne could represent poor dental health, so keep your gums and teeth healthy by flossing and brushing regularly
Right Cheek
  • Avoid fast food and junk food
  • Avoid mango, taro root, wine, and seafood or other foods you may be sensitive to
  • Eat less sugar
  • Get more fresh air
  • The lung is strongest at 7-9 AM. This is the best time for aerobic exercise
  • Practice proper hygiene, especially if you live in a polluted city
  • Check laundry detergent for any irritating ingredients
  • Change pillow cases frequently if you sleep on this side of your face
  • Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol
  • Lower left cheek acne could represent poor dental health, so keep your gums and teeth healthy by flossing and brushing regularly
Lip Area
  • Eat more fiber
  • Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • Eat less spicy and fried foods
  • Massage abdominal area in a clockwise motion
  • Change your toothpaste and/or chapstick
Chin and Jaw
  • Reduce the habit of eating before bed
  • Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Get more rest
  • Get your hormones checked for imbalances
  • Get 20 minutes of exercise each day
  • Sleep early and wake up early, getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night
  • Reduce stress as much as possible (yoga, meditating, listening to music, writing in a journal, etc.)
  • Massage your body for relaxation, particularly the abdomen
  • Practice proper hygiene
  • Check toothpaste, mouthwash, and chapsticks
  • Drink spearmint tea
  • Take omega-3s to help regulate hormones

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Esmeria Organic’s Skin care product : Part I

  I've been wanting to blog about
 Esmeria Organic’s Skin care product for the longest time 
and there's no other better time than
this month ! my 1 year anniversary with
 Esmeria Organic’s Skin care product.

I've never stay with a skin care product for this long ,
I changed my skin care product so often
because most of the products are not as effective as it is.
so i don't see the point in sticking to them. 

Where did i found it?
In watson! i was looking for a travel set skin product
 to bring to my Philippines trip last December. 
I almost bought hada labo! but my mum suggested THIS and
 i wasn't too sure about it because

1. I've never heard of it before
2.It's made in Malaysia!
3. Sensitive skin . I tend to have really bad breakouts 
If the product doesn't go well with my skin .

BUT because it's organic and
 it wouldnt cause any side effects.
it has oily acne prone skin lines.
 and it's the only one i could find that comes in a travel set. 

Since I've been using a non-organic skincare
 for most of my life now.
Which is harmful to skin because it contains chemical ingredients.
Now it's never too late to change to an Organic Skin Care Product!

The reason i choose THIS from any other organic skin care
 is because its freaking affordable for an organic product!  
It's less than Rm120 for the whole set

which consists of Facial wash , Toner and moisturizer.
and yes I'm using Alpine Willow herd For Oily and Acne prone skin. :) 

There are three types 
- Dry and mature skin
- Normal and combination Skin 
- Oily and acne prone skin

The official website of Esmeria Organic's :

You can write to them to obtain a free sample! :) 
I got mine last march ! :)
after trying them already. :P 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

DIY : Nail Polish and Gemstones




My very own handmade necklace!

Inspired By :

Thursday, November 1, 2012



The brand who is responsible for this cute looking cat clutch is LaguanaMoon
but is Rm115 for this one-off season item worth it? 

Saw it first on Chesserland's instagram!
where she wore it to H&M opening !

This cat-ear hats and headbands are everywhere now too!
the blue one looks more like a devil's horn than a cat ear. :S

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Two Online Store

This is owned by My friend and i ,
Just started on August
This is more to pre-order clothes , ready-stock items and bags . 

Handmade items only now. 
Started on early 2008 till now.
stopped for a while from doing any handmade s items 
( mostly hair related accessories ) 
because i dont have the time and no idea lor. 
I'll definitely come back to this... probably early next year?


The links to the two online store are on the right side.

Friday, October 12, 2012

6 Months In Labuan : Pictures

Grand Dorsett Labuan - Victoria's Brasser
Buffet Dinner


Frattini's Restaurant 
The only Italian restaurant in Labuan

Botanical Garden @ Labuan

Other Random things 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quick DIY Inspiration : Celine Paris Shirt

I am currently obsessed with this Celine Paris T-shirt !
You can create your own Inspired Celine Paris shirt at home now!

To D.I.Y IT 
You need :
- Plain White Shirt 
- Black Acrylic paint or any fabric paint 
Bought my paint in Popular bookstore
you can even use black fabric marker for this
-Paint brush & Palette ( if you're using paint ) 


1. Prepare the white t-shirt. Put a wide flat cardboard inside of it; this will make it easier to draw on the t-shirt without harming the back of the shirt. 
2.Freehand drawing the Words on the shirt with the paint brush .
3.Dry the picture for 15 minutes or wait till it's completely dry .
4 Turn your shirt inside out and Iron the back of the cloth for three minutes to set the paint.



Shirts that I've make with acrylic paint last year

Sold around 20 of this

Charity for the tragic 11.03.11 Earthquake in Japan in Gaya street

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DV By Dolce Vita Archer Sandals

I've mention before that i am into T-straps sandals.
I don't really like wearing sandals or flats that cover my toes? haha. i get blister easily .
I only wear them to class or work sometimes when i only have to wear them for a short period of time or when i don't have to walk on them for so long like ... shopping etc. 

Back to the topic , 
I first spotted this sandals while browsing through weheartit for a DIY Inspiration 
I didn't really noticed them till the neon ones popped up !

The hot pink and Mint Green are my absolute favorites. 

SO ,


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

When you're standing alone in an empty room...


it takes a while to fill it in if you work hard .

I'm not sure how to start, where to go , what to do , 
but i hope i will figure it out soon . 
for now, all i can do is to believe something wonderful is going to happen .


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New York Fashion Week 2012 : Betsey Johnson

I always love how funky and entertaining her runway shows are. 

A few of my favorites.

Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys they’d just walk around naked at all times.
Betsey Johnson