Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Taiwan : Day 1

This was a very very very last minute trip, 
My dad came back from work a week 
before the trip and told us
 that he had booked a flight to Taiwan for the whole family!


First day 

Arrived at Taipei about 9pm .
Dad's friend was picking us up from the airport
and he drove all the way down to Zhongli City , 
(we stayed there for a day before going down to Taipei city)
Instead of checking in to the the hotel first,
His friend brought us straight to the night market.
(i don't remember the name of the market)
it's a huge market with lots of food and clothes stalls
and most of the night markets in Taipei closed at 12am!
That is how everyone spend their 'night life' in Taiwan 

This is the best Milky Tea Pearl I've ever had!
@ Mr Queen 

The night market street

We almost tried everything in this night market! 
we had Smelly Taufu first!
It doesn't taste that baaaad at first.
but after a few second chewing it! the smell and taste started to spread
(feel like puking)

The one that i love the most was the SWEET POTATO BALLS!
crispy in the outside and juicy in the inside! 


went to the hotel about 11pm!
check in , shower and sleep!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Quick DIY : Floral Sunglasses

What You Need :
1.Any old Sunglasses
2.Small flowers
4. Twitzer
