Saturday, May 23, 2009

Taylor swift's qoutes

"in fairy tales you get prince charming and the bad guy is really easy to spot and you always know who he is. but then you get older and you realise that prince charming isn't as easy to find as you thought and the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not so easy to spot. he's really funny and he makes you laugh and he has perfect hair"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nolah Gerard Funk

Spectacular is the movie he's in.
he is soooo cuteee. hehe

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What excited me.


Georgina is back

Blair : you don't sound like yourself.
Georgina: thats funny cause i feel more like myself then ever.
Blair: where are you?
Georgina : Taking care of what you obviously couldnt
Blair : i dont think jesus would approve of that
Gerogina : well, you can tell jesus that the bitch is back.

i can't wait for the next episode! final episode !!



Make ups . so into it. :)

Lauren Luke.
she's amazing and a talented make up artist.
Love her <3
inspired look : Taylor swift love song
i love her accent.